Monday, October 8, 2012

Businessmen in Britain back Pay-As-You-Drive to avoid Congestion on Roads

Businessmen in Britain have backed a radical blueprint to put roads in the hands of private companies and allow them to charge drivers to use new toll lanes.

Overhaul: Ministers have said that motorists will not be charged to use existing roads before 2015 ¿ but after that all options are possible
Photo: Alamy/Daily Mail

Ministers are drawing up plans that would allow firms to build, operate and maintain motorways and trunk roads.

It looks set to lead to the introduction of new toll roads and pay-as-you-drive ‘Lexus lanes’ to beat congestion.


A CBI report says the UK economy is already losing up to £ 8 billion a year from congestion on the gridlocked road network and that could rise to £ 22 billion a year by 2025.

Read more: Daily Mail


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