Sunday, October 14, 2012

UAE sending air ambulance for militants shot girl activist

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) plans to send a specialized aircraft to serve as an ambulance for a 14-year-old Pakistani girl shot by the militants in case doctors decide to send her abroad for treatment.
The shooting of Malala Yousufzai along with two classmates while they were on their way home from school on October 9 horrified people in Pakistan and internationally.
She was shot for promoting girl's education and criticizing the militants.
The attack left Yousufzai seriously wounded and sparked calls for the Pakistani government to step up its fight against the militant group.
Visas are being finalized for the air ambulance crew and six doctors who will accompany the flight, Islamabad's Ambassador to the UAE, Jamil Ahmed Khan, told Pakistan's Geo TV on Sunday.
Read more about it: Brisbane Times


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