Thursday, November 8, 2012

Barack Obama and Mitt Romney 're-born' in Kenya

A 20-year old Kenyan mother who gave birth to twin boys on Wednesday named her new-born children after the president re-elect and his defeated Republican rival.

Motherly love: Owuor rests with new-born children Barack Obama, left, and Mitt Romney, right, inside the maternity ward of Siaya District Hospital, near Obama's ancestral home village of Nyangoma Kogelo.
Owuor with 'Barak Obama and Mitt Romney' [Photo: Reuters]

Millicent Owuor delivered her twins, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, at a district hospital in the town of Siaya in southwest Kenya, according to Kenya’s The Standard newspaper.


Owuor told reporters that she had named her twins after the winning and losing presidential candidates in order to remember the day of the infamous election.

Read more: Dailt Mail


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