Friday, November 16, 2012

Giant White Humpback 'Moby Dick' spotted off coast of Norway

The fictional Moby Dik

The world remembers Moby Dick - a fictional character attributed to a big - an enormously big,  ferocious, enigmatic white sperm whale in a novel by  Herman Melville, published in 1851. The same character was reproduced in a 1956 Hollywood movie, which beside the big white whale 'Moby Dick' also starred Gregory Peck.

The live 'Moby Dick' - the giant white humpback whale [Photo: Dan Fisher / Barcroft ]

But that was all fiction - Recently a 'live Moby Dick' white whale has been causing a splash after being spotted swimming in a pod of humpbacks by a British maritime engineer.

Dan Fisher, 32, was on a boat trip to Svalbard in Norway when he noticed a giant white humpback rise from the water.

Rushing up a mast to get a better look, he quickly realised he was witnessing one of nature's rarest sights — a white whale, just like the iconic Moby Dick in the novel by American author Herman Melville.

Read more / see more photos and a video: Daily Mail


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