Friday, November 2, 2012

Married for 87 years - the longest living couple

Yesterday, 1 November was the wedding day of my deceased parents. If they were alive today, they would have been celebrating their 75th wedding anniversary.

Karam and Katari Chand received a certificate of achievement from dating site Zoosk
Karam with his wife Katari

But today I came across a couple who have been married for 87 years and still clinging on to each other with eight children and twenty eight grandchildren.

This longest living couple, 107-year-old Karam and his wife Katari Chand, 100, is proof that happy ever after does exist.


The pair say that the key to success is looking after each other in every way possible: ‘My trick is to make Katari laugh. I like to tell jokes and make her smile. Being funny is my way of being romantic.' says Karam.

Read more about this longest surviving married couple at Daily Mail


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