Wednesday, November 7, 2012

'Romney' Google Search from Pakistan soared in recent months

Express Tribune, quoting the Washington Post reports that the Google Analytics for searches from Pakistan for Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney showed a dramatic spike in the month of October as the US presidential race heated up.

According to the Google data, searches for Obama were far ahead of Romney from within Pakistan. Unlike President Obama who often grabbed the headlines on one pretext or another, his political opponent Romney received scant attention up till July, 2012, barely four months prior to elections.


However, as the election race heated up, Pakistan’s interest towards Romney piqued.
While Obama continued to dominate searches – leading average searches by 37 basis points to the Republican candidate’s six, they surged to 100 volume index points for Obama to Romney’s 53 by early November.

Read more about city wise search at The Express Tribune


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