Saturday, October 6, 2012

Steve Jobs’s sweetheart and mother of his daughter to publish memoir

Chrisann Brennan, who was one of Steve Jobs's first serious loves, his high school girlfriend and the mother of his daughter Lisa, is all set to tell her love story with Steve Jobs. 

Brennan [left] - Jobs with daughter Lisa [right]
Brennan has decided to unfold her relationship with Jobs, the Apple co-founder who died in 2011, in a new memoir to be published next year.  

After meeting him at Homestead High School in Cupertino, California, Brennan later lived with Jobs in a cabin, meditated with him and attended lectures. "At 17, Steve had more than a touch of the cool sophistication of a Beat poet," Brennan wrote in an article in Rolling Stone after his death. 


While in her early 20s, she became pregnant and gave birth to their daughter, who is known as Lisa Brennan-Jobs. 

Read more: The Times of India


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