Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Asia Bibi Acquitted in Blasphemy Case

In a landmark decision, the Supreme Court of Pakistan has finally decided the long awaited case of blasphemy and has acquitted a Christian woman Asia Bibi today.

"Keeping in mind the evidence produced by the prosecution against the alleged blasphemy committed by the appellant, the prosecution has categorically failed to prove its case beyond reasonable doubt," concluded the chief justice.

A three bench panel further added that: "Tolerance is the basic principle of Islam and that Islam condemns injustice and oppression.

Asia Bibi was convicted for blasphemy under Section 295-C of the Pakistan Penal Code for allegedly defaming Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). The offense carries the mandatory death penalty under Pakistani law.

"I can't believe what I am hearing, will I go out now? Will they let me out, really?" Bibi told AFP by phone from prison after the ruling. "I just don't know what to say, I am very happy, I can't believe it."

Commenting on the judgment Asia Bibi's lawyer Saiful Mulook told AFP: "The verdict has shown that the poor, the minorities and the lowest segments of society can get justice in this country despite its shortcomings. This is the biggest and happiest day of my life.

Asia Bibi's husband also hailed the verdict. "I am very happy. My children are very happy. We are grateful to God. We are grateful to the judges for giving us justice. We knew that she is innocent," said Ashiq Masih..

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