Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Saudis may admit journalist Jamal Khashoggi killed during interrogation

It has been reported, quoting government insiders, that Saudi Arabia is preparing to admit that journalist Jamal Khashoggi was killed during interrogation inside Saudi consulate.

According to CNN, the Saudi Arabian government is preparing a report which will say Khashoggi died in an interrogation that was intended to end with his abduction from Turkey.

CNN says that "One source says the report will likely conclude that the operation was carried out without clearance and transparency and that those involved will be held responsible."

It may be added that The Washington Post columnist was last seen in public when he entered the Saudi consulate in Istanbul in Turkey on October 2. Previously, Saudi authorities had maintained Khashoggi left the consulate the same afternoon of his visit, but provided no evidence to support the claim.

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