Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Imposing Headlines: Pakistan shoots down two Indian Aircraft

Pakistan confirmed on Wednesday 27 February 2019 that it had carried out air strikes in Kashmir and shot down two Indian jets in its own airspace, capturing one of the pilots as the conflict with its nuclear-armed neighbour continued to escalate.
The Pakistan military said Indian jets had entered Pakistan in response and two had been shot down, with one pilot captured. The surprise move came a day after Indian jets intruded into Pakistani airspace and claimed to have attacked a militant camp.

Tensions have dramatically escalated between the nuclear-armed rivals since Indian warplanes flew into Pakistani airspace and struck what New Delhi said was a camp of Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM), the group that claimed the Kashmir bombing.

The Foreign Office in a statement said: “Pakistan Air Force undertook strikes across Line of Control from within Pakistani airspace. This was not a retaliation to continued Indian belligerence. Pakistan has therefore, taken strikes at non military target, avoiding human loss and collateral damage.”

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