Sunday, April 21, 2019

Churches in Sri Lanka Bombed - Over 150 reported dead

A very sad day indeed in the history of Sri Lanka when a series of explosions rocked hotels and churches of Sri Lanka, jam packed with tourists. The incident happened when the Christian community was celebrating the Easter on Sunday.

Two more bomb explosions struck Colombo, the capital city hours after the country was struck by a series of six bombings on churches and hotels that killed at least 156 people and wounded about 400. 

Most of the victims were killed in three churches where worshipers were attending Easter Sunday services. 

The seventh explosions occurred at a hotel near the national zoo in the capital, killing at least two more people, police said, while an eighth blast hit the suburb of Orugodawatta in the north of Colombo.

Read world news for more on Sri Lankan explosions.


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