Friday, October 26, 2012

iPad Mini captures a small bite of market

Apple, which revolutionized the tablet PC space with iPad, has now added a shrunken version, the iPad Mini. With a 7.9-inch screen, iPad Mini is smaller and less expensive than the traditional 10-inch model, but will support similar functions and apps. With this, Apple is now poised to capitalize on the success of the iPad by targeting customers who may be turned off by the tablet’s size or its price tag.

Even though iPad Mini is said to compete with rivals like Amazon and Google, who have announced competitive 7-inch tablet PCs on the Android OS, Apple has maintained its premium brand tag and priced Mini starting at $329 against $159 for the cheapest Kindle Fire and $249 for the Nexus 7.


Analysts note that the iPad mini does address a new segment of the tablet market, and boasts of a feature set that is richer than competition. Furthermore, the 275,000 existing iPad apps are fully compatible with the iPad Mini, allowing Apple to leverage its existing rich app ecosystem. 

Read more about it at Business Standard


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