Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Romney says debates "supercharged" his campaign

Former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney made sure at a rally last night near Denver to mention what everyone knows - the debates have fueled his surge in the polls, saying they have "supercharged" the campaign.
With the final debate behind them, the candidates took their arguments on the trail in key battleground states: Romney in Nevada and Colorado, and the president in Florida and Ohio.
Romney said that his new momentum has come, in part, because the president has no new ideas. He said, "He's become a president of status quo, and the policies of the president are a continuation of what we've seen over the last four years."
To reinforce that message in 10 swing states, the main outside group supporting Romney, Restore Our Future, Inc., on Wednesday announced a $17.7 million ad buy.
Read more about it at CBS News


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