Tuesday, November 13, 2012

20 states demand to secede from U.S. after Obama won election

In perhaps one of the toughest stance after a US Presidential elections, the people of the USA are demanding secession from the federation. The majority of these states voted for Republican nominee Mitt Romney although petitions were also lodged in Democrat strongholds such as New York and Oregon.

Bid for freedom: People from the states marked in red have lodged petitions asking to break away from the rest of the United States since Obama returned to the White House
States marked in red have decided to secede from the federation

The documents have been lodged on a government website We The People - and Texas has almost enough people behind its petition to warrant an official White House response.

Tens of thousands have put their names to secession petitions, asking that they peacefully become independent from the rest of the country.


The right to petition the U.S. government is guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution. If there is enough support - 25,000 signatures are needed - then it is sent to policy experts within the administration. And already Texas has gained the most so far with 23,000 people backing the wish to form an independent government. 

Read more: Daily Mail


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