Tuesday, November 13, 2012

China's Comac C919 challenges Airbus and Boeing at Zhuhai airshow

The opening ceremony of the Zhuhai airshow, China's premier air show assures China 50 orders for its passenger jet airliner 150-set Comac (acronym for Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China) C919.

The Zhuhai airshow is held after every tow years in the southern city of Zhuhai.

The C919 is designed to challenge Airbus and Boeing in the largest segment of the US$100 billion annual jetliner market. The latest orders for the 150-seat plane will boost the official total to 380, reaching the state-owned manufacturer’s declared break-even point of 300 to 400 orders. Western analysts however say it will be some time before the aircraft, due to make its maiden flight in 2014, proves its viability.


The air show – attended by a record 650 exhibitors – also featured prototypes of a new Chinese business aircraft and a model of a new stealth fighter China hopes to build for export.


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