Friday, November 9, 2012

McDonald's flies upside-down U.S. flag at half-mast for a 'day of mourning' after Obama's re-election

Several American businesses reacted to the news of President Obama’s re-election with both anger and despair, as one McDonald’s location hung the Stars and Stripes upside-down and at half-mast.

Flag flap: Some diners at the Follansbee, West Virginia, restaurant could not believe their eyes when they saw the flag on the day after Obama was re-elected
Up side down US flag at 'half mast' at McDonald's to mourn Obama's re-election

Some diners at the Follansbee, West Virginia, restaurant could not believe their eyes when the say the flag on the day after Obama secured more electoral votes than Republican rival Mitt Romney.

An upside-down flag is a 'signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property,' according to federal law.
Read more: Daily Mail


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