Monday, November 26, 2012

Sick woman dies in Hungary after not being allowed by airlines for being 'too obese'

Vilma Soltesz, 56, a U.S woman died on holiday in Hungary after being refused a seat on three flights back to New York because she was too heavy to fly, according to her husband.

Predicament: Mrs Soltesz had gained weight due to her illness and the airline said it did not have a seat-belt extender for her according to her husband
The airline said it did not have a seat-belt extender for her according to her husband

Vilma from New York, had weighed about 425lbs, had only one leg and used a wheelchair
She died from health complications in Hungary nine days after she was kicked off the first of three flights and now her death could now be the cause of a multimillion-dollar lawsuit against the airlines.


The Hungary-born couple had traveled to Hungary to stay in their holiday home, a trip they made every year.

Read more about the tragedy at the Daily Mail
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