Thursday, December 13, 2012

Charter school company drops one L from 'Public' in newspaper ad

Sometimes omissions do make headlines and how could the ad below escape the hawkish eyes of the newspaper readers:

The one-letter error printed in a Washington paper turned something seemingly harmless into something quite ghastly. 'Are you interested in Pubic Charter Schools?' the ad in Tacoma's News Tribune read while missing an 'L' in a highly essential place.

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Readers of the ad gasped in horror before turning red-faced with laughter. Yet most didn't realized the monstrous mistake until reading it more than once.

It was only after it was pointed out by a member of the press that it was embarrassingly removed while admitted as a ‘mistake.’ 'This was our mistake,' Jim Spady, a spokesperson for the Washington Charter School Resource Center told KING5.

Watch the video below:

via Daily Mail
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