Monday, December 3, 2012

Hobbit leaves viewers with headaches and nausea

The much awaited 'The Hobbit' has left many cinema goers with headaches and mouthful of complaints.

Peter Jackson's film is the first to be shot using high-speed 3D cameras that capture twice the normal number of frames per second but perhaps this kind of technique is too much an overdose for the viewers to absorb as many who watched the film said felt nauseous and even caused migraines.

The Sunday Times reported one 'avid Middle Earth fan', who had flown to New Zealand from Australia for the premiere, said: 'My eyes cannot take everything in, it's dizzying, now I have a migraine.


Another fan tweeted: 'It works for the big snowy mountains, but in close-ups the pictures strobes. I left loving the movie but feeling sick.'

The Sunday Times said one fan described having motion sickness similar to being on a rollercoaster.

They said: 'You have to hold your stomach down and let your eyes pop at first to adjust. This is not for wimps.'

Read more about it at: Daily Mail
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