Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Eerie lunar landscape on the shores of New York City?

Like a lunar landscape the 30-feet tall dunes have been etched by the wind and were photographed on December 30th 2012


Well this is New York City not the lunar dunes - and it is real, not a projection of future.

These dunes have formed after piling up sand acculmulated from the devastated streets of The Rockaways, Queens - these conical dune 18 in number stand on the parking lot of Jacob Riis Park - causing it to resemble an eerie lunar landscape.

Etched by the wind and the rain, the 30-foot tall dunes were photographed just two days ago, standing by the ocean front that took such a battering during the October 2012 storm.

It may be added that 'Sandy' battered the little peninsula of Rockaway that juts between the Atlantic Ocean and Jamaica Bay.

Across the whole of New York about 60 million people were left without power in 8.2 million homes and businesses and the storm killed 131 across the country.

Read more / see more photos of these dunes at: Mail Online
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