Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Major EU Countries Denounce Trump Decision on Golan Heights

In a fierce reactive mode, five major European countries that sit on the UN Security Council on Tuesday denounced US President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize the Golan as Israeli territory and voiced concern the move could have broad consequences.

These countries included Belgium, Britain, France, Germany and Poland. The countries reiterated that the European position had not changed and that the Golan remained Israeli-occupied Syrian territory, in line with international law enshrined in UN resolutions.

“We do not recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the territories occupied by Israel since June 1967, including the Golan Heights, and we do not consider them to be part of the territory of the state of Israel,” Belgian Ambassador Marc Pesteen de Buytswerve told reporters.

It may be recalled that Three UN Security Council resolutions call on Israel to withdraw from the Golan, which it seized from Syria in the 1967 Six-Day War and annexed in 1981, in a move that was never recognised internationally.

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